Paradigms of Christian Worship


The Paradigms of Christian Worship History – Learn about 20 centuries of Christian Worship.

Dr. Larry D. Ellis presents a scholarly teaching on the history and shifts in Christian worship over the past twenty centuries.  He starts with an introduction of his background and education on the subject and then moves to an examination of the Ancient Church and its customary worship practices.  He then takes the viewer into the worship practices of the early Christian centuries, the Middle Ages, the Reformation and the Enlightenment or what has become known as Modernity.  He then compares the changes through these centuries with each other.  Finally, he addresses some of the key issues in today’s Postmodern world and makes informed suggestions to how Christian churches today might effectively minister to the postmodern generation while maintaining the authentic historic faith of the Ancient Church.   This lecture was recorded at a presentation at Denver Seminary. Below is a short preview of the video.

To order your copy for $20 US plus $3 shipping anywhere, mail a check to Adoration Publishing, 3767 South Jasmine St, Denver CO 82037 USA.  103 minutes.  Recorded live in a seminary classroom at Denver Seminary.

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